Call to arrange a visit:01244 689553

Discovering the World
Willow Lodge is a purpose-built, eco-friendly infant school, based in its own self-contained area within The King’s School, Chester.
Our imaginative and innovative curriculum is enriched by languages, music, and drama, art, IT and P.E. Pupils are taught in small class sizes, under the guidance of a full-time Teacher and Teaching Assistant.
Our nurturing and child-centred approach ensures every pupil is known, valued and cared for. This, in turn, gives them the confidence to try new things, be resilient in the face of challenge and make the most of every opportunity.
Opened in 2015, Willow Lodge is surrounded by fields, beautiful woodland and creative play areas. The outdoor space has been designed to maximise opportunities for active learning, sport, and pupil-led exploration.
Pupils also use many of the excellent facilities at King’s Junior and Senior School, including the swimming pool, sports fields, the Vanbrugh Theatre and our new £4.5m Sports Centre.
Visit us and see for yourself what makes Willow Lodge such a unique learning environment.
Visit Willow Lodge

Margaret Ainsworth
Head of Willow Lodge
Admissions information
How to apply
Apply online
Parents can fill in a registration form and pay the application fee online. This should be completed no later than one week before the assessment.
Play-based assessment
Assessments are held each year in January and children should be over four and under seven by the following 1st of September. The assessment is an informal session, lasting approximately one hour.
Place offered
After a reference from your child’s current preschool/nursery is received, you will be sent a letter from the Head of School offering your child a place.
Place accepted
To secure your place we ask that the acceptance form and deposit are returned as soon as possible to the school.
Getting Started
Once everything is in place we will send you a pack containing all the information for starting at Willow Lodge. Both you and your child will be invited to visit the school for a number of events designed to make the transition as easy and enjoyable as possible.
Apply online
Play-based assessment
Place offered
Place accepted
Getting Started
Our students are having an awesome time!
Every day at King’s is full of amazing learning and life experiences. But don’t take our word for it—have a look.