Congratulations to the following pupils who were awarded Entry Scholarships for their performance in the Senior School entrance exams. The scholarships were awarded to those who gained the highest marks in the Maths and English exams.
Eleanor Williams (RMAI)
Elliot Barnes (RMAI)
Harry Graham (RMDR)
Kouki Hirakawa (RMAI)
Jack Nash (RMCS)
Marcus Thonrton (RMSC)
Oliver Wright (RMSC)
Connie Dawson (RMSC)
Grace Adshead (RMMW)
Elliot Hall (RMSG)
Ava Hardstaff (RMMW)
Rory Maillinson (RMMA)
Jake Bywater (RMDR)
Daniel Goharriz (RMMD)
Magdalena Bone (RMAI)
Mark Jones (RMCS)
Benjamin Cooper (RMMD)
Lewis Howe (RMMA)
Micah Ellinson (RMAI)
Congratulations also goes to the following pupils who were awarded a music scholarship and bursary.
Music Scholarship – Mia Hirakawa (RMMW)
Fergal O’Mahony Music Bursary – Will Evans (RMSG)