Congratulations to the following pupils who were awarded Entry Scholarships for their performance in the Senior School entrance exams back in January. Earlier this week, they received their award of a £50 Amazon voucher from the Headmaster.
The scholarships were awarded to those who gained the highest marks in the Maths and English exams and they include:
Lucie Hodgson (RMDR)
Michelle Alalade (RMRL)
Eva Moss (RMRL)
Isobel Singleton (RMRL)
Prisha Roy Mahapatra (RMSC)
Nathan Sharp (RMRE)
Jamie Graham (RMRW)
Joel Thompson (RMRE)
Christopher Neal (RMRE)
Samuel Mason (RMDT)
Leila Pope (RMRH)
Sadhbh Young (RMRL)
Congratulations to Christopher Neal who was also awarded the 2021 Music Scholarship.