On Thursday, 13 March, children in Infant 2 were very excited to welcome Firefighter Mike Richards to Willow Lodge.
Firefighter Mike was invited to speak to the children about fire safety as part of their learning about the Great Fire of London, and he brought with him some of his firefighting equipment.
The children were very interested to hear about how Firefighter Mike and his colleagues put out fires and help people in need.
After trying on the firefighter uniform themselves, our Infant 2s set a stopwatch to time Mike putting on his kit. They were amazed that he was able to get fully ready, including helmet and gloves, in less than one minute.
A highlight for the children was an opportunity to use the fire extinguisher themselves, taking great enjoyment in aiming the nozzle and seeing how high the water could go.
Mr Blakemore is one of the Infant 2 teachers and he thanked Mike for his time.
He said: “It has been very interesting for the children to see the firefighting equipment and hear about how we can all stay safe.
“We are very grateful to Firefighter Mike for giving up his time to talk to us today; it is a visit that the children will remember for a long time to come.”