Money matters for Junior School pupils

Since the beginning of term, Junior School pupils have been benefitting from a new programme of financial education as part of their activities afternoons. 

Aiming to equip pupils with knowledge, skills and confidence they need to understand and manage money now and in the future, the course takes inspiration from the Bank of England’s Money and Me resources and the Natwest Moneysense programme. 

Deputy Head Academic Katy Morris-Yousaf has introduced the scheme and explained how it works.

She said: “We have introduced a 5-week course for each year group as part of their activities afternoon and it has proved very popular.

“The classes combine discussion with fun activities on a range of age-appropriate topics.

“For example, J1 (Year 3) pupils discover what money is and how we earn it, as well as important difference between buying things we need and things we want. 

“The progressive programme culminates in J4 (Year 6) with sessions on ethical spending and how money can affect our feelings.”

Activities afternoons are an integral part of the school week for all Junior School pupils when they are divided into small groups to follow a short course of a non-academic activity.

Activities are as varied as Forest School, cycling, needlecraft and baking, and give pupils an opportunity to develop new skills and think outside of the curriculum.