Fabulous Finale for Book Week

All the Removes and many keen readers from other year groups gathered for the results of all the Book Week competitions and the School Book Award.

All the tutor groups had been challenged to create a collage of their ‘Reading Journey’.  RmDR were chosen as the winners with their fantastic display which showed a favourite book for each year of their lives.  RmCH were given a special commendation for going outside the brief and creating a treasure hunt of their favourite books.

In the Murder Mystery, Mrs ‘Sinister’ Sumner was revealed as the dastardly culprit, with the Kids’ Lit Quiz trophy as her villainous weapon and Emma Henry  (3HS) and Lucy Plunkett (3HS) recognised all 12 members of staff “caught reading”.

Lastly the winner of the Book Award was revealed to be ‘Am I Normal Yet?’ by Holly Bourne. Congratulations to Holly and all those who got involved with our brilliant Book Week!