Oxbridge joy for twins as university offers roll in

There is an air of excitement in the Sixth Form Centre as offers continue to roll in for a range of competitive courses at prestigious universities. 

Upper Sixth students have been excited to receive offers for courses as varied as Medicine, Law, Economics, Aerospace Engineering, and Philosophy & Theology. 

Head of Sixth Form, Josh Carter, is pleased with the number and quality of offers that have been made. 

He said: “University applications are increasingly competitive, particularly for top universities and sought-after courses.

“The work we do with students from the very beginning of their time in Sixth Form means that they get the best advice and encouragement from our experienced staff, allowing them to make the choice that is right for them.”

Among the offers received are Oxbridge offers for twins Maya and Annabel Swift (both U6BRD), pictured here. 

Maya has received an offer to read Maths at St Catherine’s College, Oxford and Annabel to read Economics at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. 

They said: “The application process was very intense and quite stressful at times so we are really pleased that we both got offers.”

They are both looking forward to studying their subjects at a higher level and confirmed that they plan to visit each other in their respective colleges.

Mr Carter continued: “The demand for Oxbridge places is higher than ever and the application process is a long and challenging one so we are very proud of Maya and Annabel.”

Offers for highly competitive Medicine places will be made over the coming months and Mr Parkes, who supports Medicine, Veterinary and Dentistry applicants through their application process is optimistic about the outcome. 

He said: “We have had 33 interviews for our twelve Medicine applicants so far. This is exceptional at this stage in the year and is testament to how hard the students have worked on their applications. 

“Aspiring medics, vets and dentists are well supported at King’s to ensure that they give themselves the very best chances of securing a place on the highly competitive courses.”