We are very excited to announce the return of the 6s and 7s Choir!
After half-term, the Removes Choir will merge with the J4s for the newly reformed 6s & 7s Choir.
Miss Banerjee, who leads the choir, can’t wait to get started.
She said: “It’s been two years since we have been able to run the 6s & 7s Choir so I am very excited.
“The current Removes (year 7s, pictured) didn’t have a chance to sing with the choir when they were in J4 (year 6) because of Covid restrictions, so it feels particularly special that we can start meeting again.”
The 6s and 7s choir was formed a few years ago and a club that spans the Junior School and Senior School.
Miss Banerjee continued: “It works really well as it means that the J4s get used to being in the Senior School before they join in September, and can then continue with a familiar activity when they are in Removes.
“We have some great pieces ready for the choir, including a Michael Jackson medley, and our aim will be to compete in the Chester Music Festival later this year.”
The 6s & 7s choir will meet after school on Wednesdays from 23 February onwards. J4 and Removes pupils can sign up now on SOCS.