Register your interest

Call to arrange a visit:01244 689553

Welcome to our Senior School

Our Senior School is about opening minds to the love of learning. This is a time of adventure and challenge during which pupils discover themselves and their world, growing in knowledge and self-confidence along the way. Our role is to provide them with every opportunity to find out what they like and want to do in life and to encourage their curiosity.

Our focus is on scholarship and academic excellence, as it has been at for King’s for centuries. We also embrace new ideas and new technologies, wherever they enhance learning and give a winning edge. We’ve been around for more than 475 years, but our Senior School never stands still. It is an exciting, energising and empowering community of learning.

 King’s is regularly named as the top performing school in Cheshire for GCSEs. In 2023, 27% of GCSE results were grade 9, with 51% at 9/8 and 84% 9/6.

Pupils recognise the importance of balancing academic work and leisure, opportunities for which are provided by an extensive co-curricular programme.”
ISI report 2022, Excellent in all areas

Admissions information

How to apply

Apply Online

Parents can fill in a registration form and pay the application fee online. This should be completed no later than one week before the assessment.


Admissions to the Senior School is by examination held each January. Your child must be over 11 and under 12 years of age on September 1 following the examination.  

Place offered

After a reference from your child’s school is received, you will be sent a letter from the Head of School offering your child a place.

Place accepted

To secure your place we ask that the acceptance form and deposit are returned as soon as possible to the school.

Getting Started

Once everything is in place we will send you a pack containing all the information for starting at King’s Seniors. Both you and your child will be invited to visit the school for a number of events designed to make the transition as easy and enjoyable as possible.

  • Apply Online
  • Assessment
  • Place offered
  • Place accepted
  • Getting Started

Our students are having an awesome time!

Every day at King’s is full of amazing learning and life experiences. But don’t take our word for it—have a look.

Boys’ Hockey: National Finals Day success
CAOKS 158th Dinner Celebrations
Celebrating Sign Language Week with the Lord Mayor