Customer Comments

Chester Gang Show are so grateful to Tracy Elliott and the facilities team at King’s Space for hosting our 2022 production.  After the darkness of Covid we planned our production for February 2022 as restrictions changed.  Amidst that uncertainty we were able to count on Tracy and the Facilities Team as a sure foundation of professionalism, support, and help.  They enabled our Show: our preparations to practices, our catering and crew, our delivery and departure, and our set up and safety including our technical needs and requests.  The success of our Show was a direct result of their expertise and active help.  


Tim McLachlan (Chair) and Keith Harding (Producer) CHESTER GANG SHOW - 2022
Jess & Jamie's wedding - July 2018
On behalf of the British Astronomical Association, I would like to formally express our thanks to all the staff who contributed in setting up and organising the venue for our event, including the catering team, IT support and facilities team. We had a huge number of compliments from our delegates about the venue, catering and how people found members of staff very helpful. All of which made for one of the best events we have held – all credit to you all.
The British Astronomical Association - 2017
Thank you so much to Tracy Elliot and the Facilities Team at King’ Space! We have just had a fantastic week’s hire of the Vanbrugh Theatre. The technical, staging and dressing room facilities are second to none. In addition, the assistance with feeding for our Gang in the 1541 dining area was a huge bonus. I would also like to thank the facilities team for accommodating all our needs and requests so efficiently. THANK YOU KING’S!!
Chester Gangshow -  February 2017
I’d like to add my thanks, you and your team made us feel very welcome. The location was first class and all staff associated with King’s went out of their way to be welcoming and helpful. I would have no hesitation in recommending King’s for future events, for both the BAA or other organisations.
BAA President - 2017
I would like to say a very big thank you to you for supporting this year’s Bike Chester at The King’s School. In particular, I would like to thank the Headmaster and Tracy Elliot, Events Manager at The King’s School for allowing us to use what proved to be a great location for a cycling event. Also including the great catering facilities from Holroyd Howe and the team. We look forward to building Bike Chester together.
Richard Breathing Spaces Ltd. - June 2017